CrossPawsK9 Dog Training Services

CrossPawsK9 Dog Training Services


What our customers say afterward - CrossPawsK9 Happy Clients

Tilly - Dog Behavioral Training

Tilly toy poodle, 8 months old. The customer would like to address her puppy's issues of pulling on the leash, aggressive behavior, and excessive barking.

The dog's owner took eight solid lessons, including two Sunday mornings at Desa Parkcity Dog Park, to train her dog, ensuring that she is well-behaved next to her. CrossPawsK9 applauds her perseverance and dedication. 

Jan - Mar 2024

Hotpot - Dog Behavioral Training, Aggression Rehabilitation and Dog Boarding 

The pet's owner wants CrossPawsK9 to focus on addressing her pet's serious food aggression, aggressive behaviour during playtime, and aggressive growling when lifting her 15-month-old Hotpot Frenchie.

The pet owner has signed up for boarding with a dog behaviour and aggression rehabilitation training package. After months of rehabilitation, Hotpot is now a happier puppy and more cooperative. He can listen to commands without the need to use treats. 

By being properly supervised and corrected, Hotpot's aggression can be controlled, and he can become a charming pup for companionship.

Jan -Apr 2024 

Pearly - Pet Boarding & Dog Behavioural Training

The owner main concern on his 10 months, German shepherd. “Would like a trainer to come to train.” Aggression … “It's starting. Especially with cats. Will pull hard as if it is hunting it down.”

Pearly is an active puppy but timid. She learned to go inside the crate on ‘In’ command well. Her behavior of nipping on hand is not seen anymore. She has learned to pace herself when on leash walking and readily obey commands. 

Jan 2024

Chiko - Puppy Obedience Training, Maintenance Support, and Pet Boarding with Reinforcement Training

Tiny toy poodle, 2.5 months old. The customer is a first-time pet owner. “… Would like to learn some dog commands and training such as pee and poo, sleeping habit, eating, manners etc.”

The pet owner has completed the Standard House Calls Package, and Post-training Maintenance Support; and signed up for Boarding with reinforcement Training Package. Our clients' continued attendance shows their confidence and comfort with CrossPawsK9 Dog Training Services.

Sep - Dec 2023

Before CrossPawsK9 Boarding Training - Picky Eater

Before CrossPawsK9 Boarding Training - Picky Eater

Kiki - Pet Boarding & Dog Obedience Training

The owner’s concerns were puppy’s jumping on people; nipping on old uncle hands; lead pulling during walk; and picky with foods. “She's fuzzy on food ... doesnt quite like kibbles … She eat more steamed pork or chicken meat mixed with rice. Thats wat i'm worried.” 

Within the First week of boarding and dog obedience training with CrossPawsK9, Kiki begin to eat her meals happy (kibbles mixed with some wet food) promptly. The owner’s feedbacks that “Kiki finished her b/fast alrdy. Not picky anymore”.

Today, Kiki is happy and good; and can listen to commands without the need to use treats. Walking without pulling the lead. Jumping & Nipping - this behaviour is little seen after the First week of training.

Aug - Sep 2023

Boba - Pet Boarding, Puppy Obedience Training & Aggression Rehabilitation

Just after 2 weeks, bringing Boba home from the pet’s shop. The owner’s concerns were “This training helps with his mouthing issue as well? Initially he was just nibbling. Now he tends to like bite.”

After 5 weeks of boarding, dog training and rehabilitation, owner’s feedbacks “Love the result and I really can see improvement in Boba. Really love the no-treat training method”.

Today, Boba can listen to commands without the need to use treats. Walking without pulling the lead and he no longer growls and snaps while eating.

June - July 2023

 Macho - House Call Dog Obedience Training

Before training, the concerns of the owner were. “Macho is very aggressive to our visitors. He bites our visitors. 3 major problems 1) Attacking (bite) visitors who come to my home; 2) Trouble with walking dog; 3) Biting furniture like sofa, walls, carpet.”

After just four dog training sessions, the owner is pleased with Macho's behavioural improvement.

May 2023

Casper - Pet Boarding & Dog Obedience Training

Casper was in CrossPawsK9 for three weeks of boarding and puppy obedience training. Owner says “He is naughty- chews on cars, pulls down clothes when hung outside, full of energy.” 

After 3 weeks, our client provided feedback as "We can see positive results." 

Today, Casper is much calmer, listens to commands and walks without pulling the lead; but Casper is certainly not short of energy. We are happy with Casper overall progress.

April 2023

Youchi - Pet Boarding & Puppy Obedience Training (CrossPawsK9 happy and long staying since puppy until today)

The pet owner signed Youchi for the CrossPawsK9 puppy obedience training despite having previously trained by another dog training provider.

This was Youchi’s situation before our training, “Hi, just wanna share after the fight with Youchi. He keep attacking me even i pushed him away and i have to use the power of leash to pull him away. Does this help to correct the behavior?” 

Today, Youchi don’t attack or bite his owner anymore and is one of the most friendly Shiba in town. Recently, Youchi’s Owner feedback that “Youchi demonstrated good behavior at the Vet.”

Mar 2023

Redford - Micro Courses for Aggression 

This is our client’s concern “No bite records. He can walk by my left, can do sit, stay, down - problem now is start to fight me in pulling - need a right method to deal.” 

After just a session of micro course; Redford is able to walk side by side with his owner!

Feb 2023

Dogs we train can be large, aggressive, overly active, or stubborn senior dogs. 

Don't let these very innocent dog faces fool you. Any bad behavior can certainly be corrected, and the earlier you start, the easier it will be to train them.

Click here for our Location or Contact Us now.

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