CrossPawsK9 Dog Training Services

CrossPawsK9 Dog Training Services


Dog Behavioural Training - Course Structure and Training Modules

Standard Package for Dog Obedience Training & Puppy Training

It all depends on the number of sessions you register for and how quickly your puppy and dog learn. Standard Package dog obedience training includes :-

  • The Pack Leader
  • Calming Energy
  • Basic Commands : heel, stop, sit, sit stay, down, down stay & come
  • Dog Walking
  • Potty training 
  • Behavioral Correction & Reinforcement 
  • Crate training

Premium Package for Dog Obedience Training & Puppy Training

  • All of Standard Package

    Extra topics based on client’s request or trainer's suggestion :

    • Safe Playing & Basic Socializing
    • Food Impulse Control
    • Pet’s Parents Guide
    • Advance obedience (depends on the dog's progression)

    In-Home & Boarding Training for All Dog Breeds with Behavior Concerns

    Our Standard and Premium dog training programs are available through house-calls (private one-on-one lessons at your home) or at our location for boarding training

    The Standard Package is comprised of 4 or 6 lessons, while the Premium Package is comprised of 8 or 10 lessons. 

    The lesson will be scheduled once per week. The pet's owner must be committed to practicing the dog daily after each workout session with our trainer.

    Let us know about your dog's behavioral concerns, what you hope to achieve through puppy or dog training, and where you'd like to train your dog. 

    Find out more, Contact Us now.
